ugly. To get together with others would, of course, mean leaving their fantasies behind.

There is also the type who has not been able to accept himself as a TV. He believes TVism is a perversion and as such is sinful and legally immoral, He will not get together with others because this would mean accepting TVism as harmless.

Another point that would inhibit a gathering would be the diff- erent types. Masochists, sadists, fetishists, transexuals, and the true TVs. Each would feel his desires the most important and fail- ing to make his point would probably become sullen or even antagon- istic. With most of these people their deviation is their only con- Once they have achieved an outlet for their desires they lose interest in other persons and would just as soon be left alone.


The only group that could get along together for any length of time would be the true TVs. With some groups, the act or the apparel is an end in itself. With a true TV I believe the apparel is second- ary. The first aim is in becoming another personality. I dont dis- claim a passion for pretty dresses, the thrill of a soft slip against my skin or a compliment on how pretty I look, but then these are things a real woman enjoys. As a man I have many interests and I feel I can enjoy these interests just as well when dressed as a woman When dining, seeing a movie or dancing, the clothing doesn't detract from the event itself. The point I am trying to make is that the true TVs should get together more, but with their own kind. They should learn to accept themselves for what they are. Get out of your dream world and work harder toward developing a personality based on what you are.

I don't believe I'm what could be called beautiful, but I do try to make myself as pretty as possible when I dress up. When all dolled up I wouldn't be ashamed to meet other TVs. This isn't meant to be a denunciation of the other groups, but rather a clarification of interests and an appeal to TVs to come out of their holes--to meet others of their kind. In the end this could help immensely in find- ing future happiness.


(unsigned letter)

Separation of TVs from the other groups named has been the purpose of TVia. Providing a means to meet the same kind has been the pur- pose of FPE. Real TVs can get along as proved in our Alpha chapter each month. ..15 or 20 TVs and 6-10-wives get on fine and enjoy it. ED.


